Unlike a plumber or a CPA, photography is not a licenced profession. Anyone can pick up a camera and say that they are a professional, even if they don’t know what an aperture does or what the correct ratios are.
There are certain things that a photographer can do to set himself above the rest and give the clients peace of mind. The first thing that they can do is get certified. Just like an accountant, we have a test that will make us a “CPA.” Again, it is not required, but if your photographer has passed it, then they really know what they are doing.
We also have degrees. The first is a master’s and then the next level is a craftsman. There are many things that you have to do to get the degree and it usually takes 7 to 10 years to complete one of them. Among other things, you have to enter prints in certain competitions and they get scored by a panel of the best judges in Texas, the Southwest or Nationally (depending on which competition). Each print that scores an 80 or above gets a merit. It is very easy to enter 4 prints and not get a single merit during that competition.
Just recently I decided that I should enter and try to work towards these goal. So last night I came back from Kerrville where I entered for the first time. I also came back with my first merit! I am so excited. This is the print that merited. It is an image of a senior, Kamron, that I took in April. Now I am addicted and ready to enter the next one!
I will be in my office all day today replying to e-mails and phone calls that I recieved while I was gone. The work never ends!
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