Nick and I just got back from his family reunion in Fredericksburg. It was so much fun, although it did rain most of the time we were there.
I am trying to get back into work mode, but have a few things to tell everyone!
Nick and I celebrated our one year anniversary on the 15th of July! We are so excited.
That week held even more exciting news. We are expecting!!! We found out on Wednesday, July 11th. We don’t know much more, but we will keep you posted.
What does this mean for Savant? It means that I will not be doing any sort of photography in late March and early April. I know that this seems like a long time away, but it isn’t. If you wait to schedule an appointment, I will more than likely be booked.
The fall is extremely busy anyway, so book now to avoid that rush and to get your prints in half the time. If you are needing Christmas cards or Christmas gifts, call now before I run out of time. Yes, it is only July, but have you been to Hobby Lobby yet? They are all decked out for Christmas.
Another reason to order now is that PRINT PRICES WILL BE RAISING soon! As of September 1, there will be a small increase in print prices. So, if you are planning on ordering anything for yourself or anyone else, now is the time to do it!
So book today before time (and availability) runs out!
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