Though summer has started and all the children have immediately forgot about school, we are still thinking about it. Throughout the summer we will be holding a school supply drive for local schools. With the school supply drive we are giving you the opportunity to receive a complimentary Limited Edition Session for your child with us. Receiving your complimentary session is as as 1, 2, 3.
- Call us at 806.239.3227 and choose from one of these three dates for your session.
- June 15th
- July 13th
- August 3rd
- Go out and purchase at least $20 in school supplies or a $20 Walmart gift card. School supplies we are looking for include:
- #2 pencils
- Black or blue pens
- Spiral notebooks
- 2 inch 3 ring binders
- Pocketed folders with brads
- Crayons
- Notebook paper
- We will accept other school supplies but these are the most needed.
- Bring the school supplies or gift card you purchased to the studio the day of your session and you will get a Limited Edition Session for your child that includes 3 backdrops and 2 poses at each backdrop.
Extra Credit: Bring the school supplies or gift card to the studio prior to your session date and we will help with choosing an outfit for the session for your child.
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