You know the saying, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” I have a few things to add to that:
Time Flies When:
you laugh with the giggle of your child
you cry when they get their first shot
you get up every hour just to feel their warm breath
you lose sleep with a fever
you see their first smile
you feel like a bad mom for scolding them
you realize your not a bad mom when they say please, thank you and sorry on their own
you forget all of your chores just to cuddle with them all day
The last 3 years have flown. I love you Georgia June. Her 3 year portraits will be posted soon.
The last three months have gone even faster. Happy 3 month birthday to Ethan, my sweet little man. His 2 month and 3 month portraits will be up soon. Hey, at least I took them. And if I had to choose cuddle time or posting to my blog, well, the choice is obvious, isn’t it?
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