Well, I just wrote a great blog post, and when I went to publish it, it erased everything. I am sure as I retype this, it will be a little more condensed.
I know I am behind, but we wanted to share our Christmas Card with everyone. Next will be Ethan’s newborn portraits, once I get everything done. It is amazing how, when it comes to my own stuff, it never gets done. What is the saying about the cobbler’s kids never having shoes? I did take his images at 4 and 5 days old, but I just took them out of my camera today. At least I was able to get his portrait session done, with the help of Nick. I am wondering if he will ever agree to be one of my assistants.
Everyone knows my priorities, God, family and then my business, but it seems like in the last year, I have steered away from that a little. I am taking maternity leave this time. With Georgia, I photographed an engagement session 2 days before her birth and went back to work 3 days after she was born. This time, I am taking time for my family and loving every second of it.
Christi will be back in mid-January and I will be back in the office the 1st of February. Although we have no January office hours, we are still taking appointments. If you need to get in touch with us, please e-mail me. It is easier to answer these quietly when the children are asleep rather than return phone calls.
There are going to be many exciting changes, specials and new things happening in 2011. One of these great specials is half off on gift cards, but it will only be for one day only. We will also be having many limited edition backgrounds and special portrait days at the studio. We will also have mini sessions this year- something that we have never offered before.
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