Genevieve lived down the street from us in Ruidoso and was one of the few elders that I called by her first name. Many of you know that I often talk about having long silver hair down to my waist when I am older and wearing it in a bun. This is the lady that I am basing my hairstyle on when I am 80.
Genevieve was kind and mild and not only could I never think of something ill against her, I don’t thnk that anyone else in our village could either. She loved her neighbors, loved her God and treated me as an adult, even when my age had not left the single digits.
She was patient and she was kind and she took careful time to make things perfect and nice for those she loved, be it a bridge party or a pot luck.
When Nick and I married, it had been at least 2 years since I had seen Genevieve. She had left Ruidoso to be closer to her family, as most her age were doing.
Still, she found a person to take her, to find us the perfect gift, and just like Genevieve, it was nothing on our registry, but instead something that she found to be beautiful and to be something that I would love and treasure.
Please, come to our home and season your meal with the love from the salt and pepper shakers that she wanted us to have.
Just as the shakers give flavor and zest to our food, Genevieve Duncan gave the same to her life and the loves around her.
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