Rehersal Dinner with the girls
High School Trip to Houston
What happens in the stall, stays in the stall
Helping me with my make up before the next photo op.
She always had the best handwriting, and the best drawings, and the best laugh that was so contagious. Seventeen and one half years after we met, she still does.
Amy doesn’t even need lemons to make lemonade. She could do it out of rotten potatoes. She is laid back and care free; a side of myself that I would like to get in touch with again.
We met in 1992 at San Jacinto Junior High. I don’t remember the details, but if any of you do, I would love to be reminded. We have camped, floated rivers, eaten drank, smoked cigars, rolled down hills, climbed on buildings, sang in harmony, gone to proms, gone to science fairs, believed in unicorns, gotten dolled up, eaten cookie dough and done countless other things that I can’t mention because one of us might still be grounded from our indiscretions as minors.
Amy is a ray of sunshine, put on this earth to help others and to bring light into the lives of those around her. She is beautifully blessed in so many ways, and she knows it. She is thankful for what she has and the promise of what is to come. She treats everyone as equals. There is no one better or worse than the next person.
I hope one day, to be as genuinely gracious and kind as Mrs. Amy Marie.
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