So I have been a little worse than bad at posting lately. I can’t help it. I have good intentions; however, the time escapes me. If I could only phone in my blog post from the car while driving to or from the sitter’s house or while I am in line and the bank, I know I would do alot better. That is why I love twitter. It just takes a second, and now that I am out of circa 1998 and actually have data on my phone, it is really easy to do while waiting in one of the many lines that slowly eat away at our lives.
I try to stay up on things and I count myself as one of the technologically advanced, however, I think that I might also have an old soul. If you asked Katie, the marketing director at Savant, I am sure that she would agree as she does not have the same taste as I do in “generationally eclectic music.” Last weekend, my bestie, my husband and my Georgia June went camping. Roaring Springs is not known for their exceptional cell phone towers, and within a few hours of searching for a signal, my phone was dead. This death put me in heaven. Sometimes, don’t you wish that we could stop telling everyone every move we make, letting them see every picture in our lives, our crying our soul out to a keyboard with the twinkle of a hope that someone likes you enough to bookmark your blog, much less read your post? No calendar, no phone, no problem. Just me, my favorite people and a cooler full of ice and beverages that put a smile on our face.
Wow, it was nice to be away from technology.
I just thought that in my one free minute before bed, I would let my feelings escape to my blog. More tweeting coming soon, facebook pictures to be posted shortly. Ahhh, technology. It is a love/hate relationship.
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