Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that we are open again after the Christmas Holidays. Thank you all so much for being patient and letting me spend time with my family. I am very grateful to all of you!
I want to see who follows my blog. Click on the box in the right had column to follow this blog. Followers rock, so make my day today.
Also, there is going to be a great giveaway this month! I am giving away the digital negatives of one 2008 wedding and one wedding from past years. We are going to give away the 2008 wedding in January. Nominate your favorite couple from 2008 this week. Voting will start next week. Whoever gets the most votes by the end of the contest gets a shiny CD with all of their digital wedding files! So, brides and grooms, nominate yourself, friends, nominate your newly married friend and everyone tell anyone you know to visit the Savant Photography blog to vote daily!
Turn in those nominations pronto!
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