Georgia and her playgroup went to the pumpkin patch yesterday to take pictures. Here is one of my favorites. These are also doubling as her 7 month portraits. More to come!
Other notes of interest:
*We moved! I love our new house and hopefully I will get a picture up soon.
*Our old home is now my studio. That’s right folks, I leave my house to go to work. Office hours are Tuesday through Friday 10-5 and any other time by appointment only. We are going to try this out for a while to see if I want to keep working in my home or stay in a different location.
*Halloween Day – Bring yourself and your children to the studio in costume and get a free mini session. The prints will be available to purchase at the time of the session. Yes, college students and adults are also welcome.
*Life is backing up, but I promise as soon as I get the studio and the house in order, blogging will be back to normal.
*BE A FOLLOWER – follow my blog publicly by clicking the button on the right. I love to see who has been here.
*I still love comments. Please post your comments. Again, I just love to know what you think of my posts and where you all are from.
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