Yup! Nick and I are expecting. This coming Friday will be the beginning of my 8th week. These pictures are from the ultrasound I had last week.
In the picture above, the cross hairs go from the baby’s head to tail. It was .57 cm long at this time.
So, I have decided to do a fun new promotion!
GUESS THE SEX OF MY BABY AND GET A FREE SITTING. That is right, if you guess the sex of my baby, you get a free sitting next April or May.
Anyone who guesses right will get a free sitting, it is simple as that. So, I could be giving away thousands of sittings! (Travel fees are not included.)
There can only be one guess per person and if you guess a boy and a girl, then there better be twins in there!
Just e-mail your name, address, e-mail address and phone number to me at [email protected].
Remember, comments on the blog are always welcome!
The funny looking lines are the heartbeat.