My vacation is almost over. Savant reopens tomorrow morning. Thank you all so much for giving me a little break and time with my family.
We arrived back in Lubbock at about 11:00 last night. We went to Colorado and now I can snowboard! Well, not until all of my bumps and bruises heal, but next year I will be on the half pipe! Ok, maybe not next year.
I have decided that the Christmas season is not over in our house. I want to keep celebrating. Not Santa or the gifts or even the cookies, but the real reason. Therefore, our tree is not coming down until after epiphany.
I have also thought of a few new year’s resolutions:
*Do not unnecessarily work at night when Nick is home.
*Blog on time, at least every other day.
*Update my website images more often.
*Take fun pictures. Sometimes it is hard for me to pick my camera up during vacation or family time. I need to be better at this!
*Lose XXX pounds. I don’t really want to tell the world the exact amount.
*Cook more, eat out less.
*Keep up with my accounting books and other organizational conundrums I get myself into.
*Talk to my friends more and computer less.
*Keep up with my Bible reading on my own, not just with my Bible Study group.
*Set boundaries so I can work less and play more! This comes from my mom and dad telling me for the past 7 years that I am “burning my candle at both ends.” Look guys! I really do listen to you two!
So in the next few weeks I will catch up with my blogging, not necessarily in the order that I took the images, but instead, the order that I put them on CD, since I need to clean off my hard drive.
A few other notes:
CALL BY FRIDAY TO RECEIVE 2006 PRICES. Since I was out of town, I am extending the deadline. Please call tomorrow, Thursday or Friday as I am still on vacation today.
E-MAIL ME ON MY BIRTHDAY AND RECEIVE A FREE SITTING. Email “Happy Birthday Leslie, give me a present!” on my birthday and you will recieve a free mini session, great for families, kids, seniors maternity and more. This is not good to use for Bridals or engagements. When is my birthday…I am not telling.
SIGN UP TO RECEIVE NEWSLETTERS AND COUPONS. The January newsletter will be a few days late. Sorry guys. If you do not recieve the newsletter, full of coupons, recipes, facts, testimonials and a section for guys, e-mail me at leslie@savantphotography with your full name, e-mail address and (if applicable) any type of photography that you might be interested in for the near future, ie., wedding or baby.
I WANT A NEW TAG LINE. Be thinking… There just might be a contest coming soon!
I hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year!
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