That’s right guys! I have an art show! I really hope that you all can come view my work and buy a hundred pieces! Ok, just come and enjoy the wine and cheese and great company. And tell me that you saw it on the blog and I will give you a free notecard with an original print signed by me! On site, no questions asked!
Here is a copy of the flyer.
Light and Dark.
Creation and Destruction.
Masculine and Feminine.
The June First Friday Art Trail at Hard Tops is centered around the idea of complementary opposites. This ancient concept, known to many as Yin and Yang, is the driving theme of our showcase.
The work of two photographers, one male, one female, will be on display. The foundation of the show is the differences of perception that each sees through the lens of their camera, and through the filter of their inherent nature.The Hard Tops Gallery is happy to showcase the work of Leslie Ann Simon and Eric Reins.
You can begin the Trail at the Hard Tops Gallery. Trolleys depart at 6:15 pm. Refreshments will be available. The First Friday Art Trail is centered in the Depot District, and includes 15 venues throughout Lubbock. You can find a map of all the venues
All the info:6p-9p
Hard Tops Gallery
2228 Buddy Holly Ave.
Contact 793.6950 for more info
I hope to see you all there! Call, e-mail or leave a comment if you have a question!